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Hélène Adamo

Hélène Adamo

Mediactivist / Photojournalist

44 years old
Driving License
Paris France
Freelancer Open to opportunities
Can we cure our illness with words? By multiplying the bridges between the living world and our humanity?
#BridgingTheGaps #FertileDisobedience #BetweenUs

Currently developing Theia MediaLab (working title), an independent #SlowNews ecofeminist media emancipating our consciousness from expressions like anticapitalist, antipatriarchy, antidomination, decolonization. Let's (re)build a tangible and fertile lexical field for neologisms.

Foster the emergence of our exoisms (copyleft Damasio), stimulate our critical thinking to tame our cognitive biases.

If inequality seemed to have diminished in recent decades, it is just because, hidden in the shadows, patriarchy was slyly proceeding with its face masked'. Hidden behind insidious rhetoric, it replaced meaningful words with operational concepts, de facto reducing our cognitive abilities. Bewitched, our collective intelligence has somewhat sunk into cognitive dissonance. So here we are now, assigned to resistance against this artificial humanity.

If I choose the point of view of women, it is because we are the only ones who are both crazy and wise enough to defeat this old world and invent the next one.

After social conquests, haro on mental conquests. Our brains are lazy. Let's challenge them!

Master 2 - MICNI


2012 to 2013
Interactive & immersive storytelling
UX/UI & social design
Director - Editor

Master of Science

Pierre & Marie Curie - Paris Sorbonne University

2004 to 2005
3D image